Saturday, March 12, 2022

Supplements For Cats With IBD & Intestinal Lymphoma

We are so thankful to Lily’s Mom Kate for sharing her success story:
"I wanted to provide an update on my 7-yr old cat, Lily. In January, she was diagnosed with IBD and most likely colon cancer (intestinal lymphoma). A cytology of a thickening or mass in her lower intestine showed it was exfoliating spindle cells. The pathologist diagnosed it as very likely cancer, though the sample didn't produce enough of the spindle cells to be 100% certain. My understanding is that having any spindle cells indicates cancer of some degree.
The vet said that they could try exploratory surgery, but she might not survive it. The best thing to do was to wait until she got worse and then give her steroids to keep her comfortable. At this point, her weight was down from a normal 7 to 8 lbs to 4.7 lbs and she had chronic diarrhea, sometimes with blood or mucous.
After researching for anything I could try, I found Ask Ariel. I started her on the IBD Kit and Immune Harmony. I've given her the supplements as directed every day since. I'm thrilled that she can't detect them in her food, because she usually can sniff anything added out and won't eat the food, even things cats are supposed to like, such as salmon oil.
The first improvement was in only 2 days... the awful gurgling intestinal noises went away. After a few weeks, her diarrhea went away. I was so happy just to see normal poop in her litter box! The ruffled and spiky look to her fur has also improved quite a bit and her beautiful smooth coat is the norm now.
All in all, I'm thrilled with her improvement since starting on your products. I plan to keep her on them indefinitely! Thank you so much!! Kate S., PA