Showing posts with label mucus in cat poop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mucus in cat poop. Show all posts
Thursday, October 18, 2018

What Causes Mucus in My Pet's Poop?

What does it mean if I see mucus in my pet's stool?  Usually a small amount of mucus (slimy substance that is made to help lubricate and protect the colon) is not a major reason to be concerned, but if it is abundant and frequent it may be a sign of a digestive system problem

The presence of mucus in a dog's stool can be indicative of various underlying health issues that warrant attention. While a small amount of mucus is normal in a dog's feces, an excessive or persistent presence may signal digestive problems, infections, or dietary issues. Mucus serves to lubricate the digestive tract, but when its production becomes abnormal, it may point to inflammation or irritation.  Dogs experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, or changes in appetite along with mucus in their stool should be evaluated by a veterinarian. Possible causes range from dietary indiscretions to more serious conditions such as gastrointestinal infections, inflammatory bowel disease, or parasites. Monitoring a dog's stool consistency, color, and the presence of mucus can provide valuable insights into their digestive health.

Common Causes Of Mucus In Poop
  • An upset stomach from eating bad food or garbage
  • Inflammation of the colon (colitis)
  • Parasites
  • Colitis
  • Bacterial infection
  • An intestinal foreign body
  • Cancer
  • Allergies
  • Autoimmune disease (such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease)

Your veterinarian will perform a complete examination and fecal analysis. Several types of fecal tests are commonly used by veterinarians to assess the health of dogs and identify various gastrointestinal issues. The most common tests include:

Fecal Floatation Test: This test is used to detect the presence of intestinal parasites like worms (roundworms, hookworms, etc.). A small sample of the dog's feces is mixed with a special solution, and then it is centrifuged. This process allows parasites' eggs or larvae to float to the top, making them visible under a microscope.

Fecal Smear Test: A fecal smear involves spreading a thin layer of feces on a microscope slide, staining it, and then examining it under a microscope. This method helps identify certain types of parasites, bacteria, and abnormal cells.

Direct Fecal Exam: In this test, a small amount of fresh feces is examined directly under a microscope without any special preparation. It allows for the identification of certain parasites and their stages.

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Test: This advanced molecular test detects the genetic material of parasites, viruses, or bacteria. It provides a more sensitive and specific analysis, especially for detecting certain pathogens that may be challenging to identify using traditional methods.

The choice of fecal test depends on the suspected issue and the veterinarian's assessment. Regular fecal testing is an essential part of preventive care to ensure the early detection and effective treatment of gastrointestinal issues in dogs

Natural Remedies To Help Digestive Problems

If your dog does have ongoing digestive issues, than a change in diet and supportive digestive supplements can really help.  Here are some of the best digestive supplements for dogs with mucus in their stool:

Ask Ariel's Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Kit  is a great place to start if you have a cat or small dog.  
The IBD Kit includes 3 gentle, natural remedies that have been specially formulated for IBD and digestive system inflammation and have been used together to successfully help pets find relief from symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, tummy rumbling, mucus in stool, hunching over and inappetance.   The Kit includes Power Probiotic, Soothing Digestive Relief and NotaSAN Anti-Inflammatory Drops. When a pet has an upset tummy,  it is important to use a combination of supplements because they work differently to help reduce the symptoms and repair the intestinal lining.

Power Probiotic Pure, safe and natural--absolutely no fillers! Power Probiotic repopulates good intestinal flora which is essential for pets with malabsorption and digestive issues. Power Probiotic supports your pet's bowel and immune health, reducing inflammation and improving digestive discomfort.

Soothing Digestive Relief Gentle, effective formula for the treatment of any type of indigestion in pets. Helps with gas, loose stool, mucous in stool, tummy rumbling, diarrhea and malabsorption.  

NotaSAN Drops and Capsules – Natural homeopathic formula that controls inflammation and infection and helps with allergy symptoms.  Clients report improved well being overall.  Very important for pets with autoimmune conditions.  Gentle, easy to administer and safe for long-term use.  

Gastro ULC - Provides natural stomach acid relief, coating the stomach to relieve pain.  Many pets have an improved appetite after using Gastro ULC. 

K9 Digestive Enzymes (for larger dogs)- This powerful digestive enzyme is more complex than typical pet enzymes and helps pets digest protein and fats.  Contains HCL and pancreatin--two animal-based nutrients that help ensure proper digestion of protein and reduction in symptoms related to poor digestion.

Author Susan Blake Davis, Nutritionist

Orignal Post October 18, 2018
Updated Febuary 5, 2024